toultoutim Souleur(se) de bonne facture
Nombre de messages : 175 Ville des RR : Autun Date d'inscription : 20/10/2005
| Sujet: Programme des compétitions Sam 26 Nov 2005 - 14:13 | |
| Bonjour à tous !
Ce topic peut servir à définir le programme ou le calendrier à venir concernant les compétitions officielles.
La soule Royale s'achève bientôt, mais j'ignore ce qui est prévu pour la suite. Championnat régional ? Compétition inter-duchés ? | |
Arthur33 Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Nombre de messages : 1227 Age : 35 Ville des RR : Sarlat / SO de Toulouse Date d'inscription : 22/06/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Sam 26 Nov 2005 - 15:59 | |
| Peut-être les deux en parallèle.. En clair.. Des championnats intraduccaux, et quelque fois des matchs entre les équipes duccales. | |
Vaspaulon Souleur(se) novice
Nombre de messages : 38 Date d'inscription : 03/11/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Sam 26 Nov 2005 - 20:14 | |
| Cool je sens qu'on va s'amuser ! | |
Fingal Souleur(se) de bonne facture
Nombre de messages : 130 Ville des RR : Forcarlquier Date d'inscription : 03/07/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Sam 26 Nov 2005 - 20:28 | |
| J'annonce ici, Janvier : Début du championnat du St-Empire | |
caesarjulius Souleur(se) qui se débrouille
Nombre de messages : 76 Ville des RR : ste menehould Date d'inscription : 01/10/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Sam 26 Nov 2005 - 22:08 | |
| - Arthur33 a écrit:
- Peut-être les deux en parallèle.. En clair.. Des championnats intraduccaux, et quelque fois des matchs entre les équipes duccales.
je trouve que c une bonne idee | |
Fingal Souleur(se) de bonne facture
Nombre de messages : 130 Ville des RR : Forcarlquier Date d'inscription : 03/07/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Sam 26 Nov 2005 - 22:27 | |
| Dit Tutur, j'peux m'occuper de l'équipe du St-Empire et toi de France pour qu'on fasse un match de haut niveau | |
caesarjulius Souleur(se) qui se débrouille
Nombre de messages : 76 Ville des RR : ste menehould Date d'inscription : 01/10/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Dim 27 Nov 2005 - 21:41 | |
| y a pas encore d'equipe pour l'angleterre? sinon on pourrait s'organiser un tournoi des 3 nations | |
Arthur33 Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Nombre de messages : 1227 Age : 35 Ville des RR : Sarlat / SO de Toulouse Date d'inscription : 22/06/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Lun 28 Nov 2005 - 0:48 | |
| Faudrait traduire en anglais.. Qui s'en charge ? | |
Haigwepa Souleur(se) de grand talent
Nombre de messages : 485 Ville des RR : Carcassonne Date d'inscription : 18/08/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Lun 28 Nov 2005 - 23:40 | |
| J'ai commencé... Mais pas le temps de finir pour l'instant... - Citation :
- Summarized rules of Royal Soule
Royal Soule is played 11 vs. 11, each team having one captain. Players have 4 PP (physical point) at the beginning of the game and cannot have more than 4.
Before the game, captain gives the referee the initial (starting positions of the players), and, for each turn (corresponding to a day) the tactics (players’ movements).
During a turn, players’ movements are done, starting from the first player of the first striking team and then the first one of the second team and so on concluding with the 11th player of the team that does not have first strike.
The team that did not have first strike for the first turn has it for the second turn. The team that has first strike changes each turn.
Players can do several movements: move forward (+), move backward (-), hit an opponent (2, i.e. hitting opponent player number 2) or stay without doing anything.
While a player is moving forward (+) and is just behind the Soule, the Soule moves one square forward to the opponent goal.
If the Soule is brought to the third square (the so-called goal) of one team side, there is goal for the other team.
When a player is hit, i.e. a player hits a player in his own square, he loses 1 PP. If the player reaches 0 PP, he is considered as KO; he is no more able to play and cannot be substituted.
A Soule player that is not on the field and has more than 0 PP regenerates 1 PP every 2 days. If he has less than 0 PP, it is every 4 days, and when he has 0 PP, 3 days are needed to reach 1 PP. That starts from the turn when the player is hurt, put unconscious or sent out the field. e.g. if the considered turn is turn 0, PP will be gained at turn 2, 3 or 4 If you have some questions, ask them in this topic.
Full rules of royal Soule
These rules are for the Royal Soule. These rules are made for matches with 2 opponent teams (11 vs. 11) but we can think about matches with 4 teams fighting (22 vs. 22).
¤ 2] TEAMS ¤
Each team is made of 11 players on the field and one captain. The captain can be included in the 11 players or not.
Royal Soule is played on a 1-D field, i.e. players cannot move on the sides. This field is separated into 2 sides and a midfield square. Each side is made of 3 squares; one of them is the goal.
A team scores a goal when the Soule enters the opponent “Goal” square. That can be done whenever during the game.
If a team scores, it wins the match.
¤ 4] CAPTAIN ¤
The captain is in charge of giving, before the game, his team formation (list of the 11 players on the field). This list cannot be modified after the game starts.
He is also in charge of giving, for the concerned turns, initial and tactics for his team.
¤ 5] REFEREE ¤
Referee is appointed. He is in charge of the good progress of the game and of the respect of the rules. He has also to achieve the players’ movements and give the match situation to the players and the audience. He has too to randomly choose the team that will have first strike at the beginning of the game; this has to be done at least 3 days before the game.
Each player possesses 4 physical point (PP). When the PPs of a player are falling to 0, he is injured. When they are falling under 0 PP, he is seriously injured. In each case, he will not be able to go on playing with his team until the end of the game and will not be able to move.
If a player is injured when he is hit by an opponent during the progress of a turn, he can be hit by the other players of this team this turn but not for the following turns.
The referee decides of the game time, i.e. the time before which the 2 captains must have sent the players’ movements. It is also the time when the game situation will be shown.
A turn length (i.e. time between 2 updates) is 1 day.
Si quelqu'un a des idées pour rendre ça dans un anglais moins traduit littéralement, je suis preneur Un volontaire pour la version allemande? | |
Shivan Apprenti(e) souleur(se)
Nombre de messages : 6 Date d'inscription : 15/11/2005
| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions Mar 29 Nov 2005 - 1:20 | |
| Euuh je suis pas mauvais en allemand (5 ans de cours + option euro + quelques voyages en Allemagne) (si vous attendez jusqu'à Mars/Avril je serais là-bas complètement dans le bain ^^) mais je peux pas m'en occuper actuellement (emploi du temps trop chargé IRL) d'ici les vacances si vous êtes préssés et que ya vraiment personne je peux l'avoir fait à moitié au moins ^^ | |
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| Sujet: Re: Programme des compétitions | |
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