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Que vous ayez déjà une équipe ou que vous n'en n'ayez pas encore, peu d'importance pour le moment. Vous pourrez, quelque soit votre situation, jouer à la Soule et sans modération ! (C'est pas la classe ça ? Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Icon_cool)

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Alors ? Qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour vous inscrire dès maintenant ? On vous attend !

Vous avez pensé à inscrire votre équipe à la 8e CSR ? Qu'attendez-vous ? Incrivez-vous !

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 Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461

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5 participants
Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyDim 28 Juil 2013 - 15:40

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Plagesoule

    Sea, Soule and Sun!

    Sounds like this 3rd edition of the summer tournament will be an international one! Teams coming form Portugal Spain and Germany will meet on the beach of south of France! As usual this tournament is organise for fun but don't forget it will help you to get ready for the next CSR!
    Summer don't last for ever so this tournament will be quick, don't worry you'll have time but nobody wants to play on the beach in winter right?! W

    Let's talk about registration... We already have 4 teams and don't have time for more so we just need confirmation from each team before starting. Please just tell us if you're no longer available so we can replace you and won't declare you as forfeit! Well if we need another team there are the conditions

    • No teams must already take part in another current official tournament
    • No teams from the winter tournament (unless we really don't have anyone)

    There will be 4 games in total :
      2 Semi-Final (determinated by a raffle box) played at level K20
      The final between the winners of semi-final played at level K20
      The 3rd position game between the losers of semi-final played at level K10

    Reminder: The winner will be invited to the "Trophée des Saison" (Season Trophy) in mid February agianst the winner of the next winter tournament

Tournament pitch
Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Stade_10

Teams Registration

Please fill this form and update your LEO (Liste des Equipes Officielles : Official Teams List). This is the official composition of your team, not really important, but get use to it, this is capital for the CSR

Registration Form a écrit:
Team Name:

Home Color: background/number
Out Color: background/number
Team shield (if you have one)


LEO for Portugal CLICK HERE
LEO for Germany CLICK HERE

You should be able to edit the post created for your team, if not (espacially for new teams) contact me please

Tournament Calendar

We'll try to have 2 weeks games with one week break between 2 games so please respect this delay Wink

    Semi finals: from 5th to 18th of August
    Finals : from 26th of August to 8th of September

Game last until there is a goal as we need a winner. During the elimination phase at the CSR it only last 7 round : no goal is a draw.
Score will be counted during the game but it doesn't matter in this tournament. This is only to show you how we do it in CSR so you get use to it. It is counted based on game action:
    push the ball : 1 pt
    1 opponent KO : 3 pts
    goal : 5 pts
    A bonus is attribuated base on the rouand you goal
    Round 3 : 4 pts
    Round 4 : 3 pts
    Round 5 : 2 pts
    Round 6 : 1 pt
    Round 7 and more : 0 pt
    Forfeit implies a null score (0). This is done manually when registerying the game result

RP will be counted too even if it doesn't matter for this tournament. Same as above, it is just to show you how we do it in CSR plus we're testing something : a RP classification over the season. A minimum RP is targeted (average on every game you've played). If you are below this target, you'll lose some selo point, if you are above and one of the best RP team you'll win some too! Don't worry it is just a test right now to see if the target is acceptable for all (not too hard or too easy). Anyway, this is how RP will be counted:

    number of post of each teams are counted, supporter included (please add your team shield or any distinctive sigle in your avater/signature to make the count easy! this may be compulsory during CSR, so take the habit now Wink)
    The following formula is used then to calculate your RP mark: RPmark = SupRound(SupRound(NPost/7)*Krp)
    The Krp Coefficient is given base on the participation rate of the team (NPostTeamA/(NPostTeamA+NPostTeamB))
    Participation rate X (%) Coefficient
    X <= 10 1
    10 < X <= 25 1
    25 < X <= 35 1.5
    35 < X < 45 2
    45 <= X <= 55 3
    55 < X <= 65 2
    65 < X <= 75 1.5
    75 < X < 90 1
    90 <= X 1.5
    So if Team A got 6 post and Team B 15 then
    [@]RPmarkA = SupRound(SupRound(NPost/7)*Krp) = SupRound(1*1.5) = 2
    [@]RPmarkB = SupRound(SupRound(NPost/7)*Krp) = SupRound(3*1.5) = 5

Any question, do not hesitate to contact me or post it below!
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Apprenti(e) souleur(se)

Nombre de messages : 2
Ville des RR : Alcácer do Sal
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2013

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1516
Equipe: Arminhos d'Alcácer

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyDim 28 Juil 2013 - 16:07

Team Name: Arminhos d'Alcácer
Captain: Hijacker
Second: Auren

Home Color: red/white
Out Color: white/red

Selo: 1516

Team composition (the information above is outdated)
    1: Auren
    2: Kotapula
    3: Lady_moon
    4: Ellinha
    5: Samarias
    6: Raffaelle
    7: Uxtubut
    8: Spot
    9: Henrychrist
    10: Tocha
    11: Hijacker [Capitain]
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyDim 28 Juil 2013 - 17:39

Cheers Auren, but which information are you talking about?
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Souleur(se) novice

Nombre de messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2013

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyMar 30 Juil 2013 - 2:55


Citation :
Team Name*Dragones Rojos :
RK city represented* : Tortosa
Sélo (1500 if first game) :
Captain*Alvar_de_lerma (Tortosa) :
Second :Soyok (Fraga) Lord_james (Tarragona) Konstan (Zaragoza)

Composition* :
1. Fabilla (Tortosa)
2. Abalon (Tortosa)
3. Osanseviero (Tortosa)
4. Aime (Tortosa)
5. Genevy (Tortosa)
6. Alvar_de_lerma (Tortosa)
7. Soyok (Fraga)
8. Nelidha (Calatayud)
9. Gustavo_narat (Valencia)
10. Lord_james (Tarragona)
11. Pok (Castellon)

Remplaçants :
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyMar 30 Juil 2013 - 20:30

Thanks alvar!

For the LEO, you just needed to edit my message Wink I did not have time yet to put every "potential spanish" team in but in the end their should be every city in it sorted by alphabetic order so it is easy to find the team Wink

I have copy/paste your message at the right place and deleted the 2 redondant Wink

Alva can you give the shirt colors of your team if you have some yet?

No news for the moment, I remember Rheigold use told me he was on holidays from 13th of july but until when... can't remember :s Hopefully he will appear back this week end otherwise I may have some other teams ready ...
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Souleur(se) novice

Nombre de messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 23/05/2013

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyVen 2 Aoû 2013 - 18:48


Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 6abalon

Red, White and Black
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Souleur(se) de bonne facture

Nombre de messages : 132
Ville des RR : Ingolstadt (Herzogtum Bayern)
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2008

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyMar 13 Aoû 2013 - 18:35

Nom de l'équipeIngolstädter Löwen :
Halle représentée* : Ingolstadt
Sélo 1387 :
Capitaine : Rheingold
Adjoint : Susianna

Composition* :
1. Littlejoe
2. Feenlicht
3. Susianna
4. Rheingold
5. Jozy
6. Petra
7. Trude
8. Hannesimglueck
9. Blanchegreenley
10. Najida
11. Freshlime

Remplaçants :

Dernière édition par Rheingold le Mar 13 Aoû 2013 - 18:51, édité 2 fois
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Souleur(se) de bonne facture

Nombre de messages : 132
Ville des RR : Ingolstadt (Herzogtum Bayern)
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2008

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyMar 13 Aoû 2013 - 18:39

The other german team is Reutlingen.

1. Adalbald (Captain)
2. Belgvl
3. Marian_von_rinaldini
4. Xthamtham
5. Yanika
6. Nightmaree
7. Leonowitsch
8. Wulfrik
9. Mahrte
10. Leona
11. Gwennifair

I will inform Adalbald the captain of the team of Reutlingen.
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Dieu ou déesse de la Soule

Nombre de messages : 1492
Ville des RR : Péronne
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2011

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1717
Equipe: Péronne

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyJeu 26 Sep 2013 - 16:11

I'm sorry that nobody made the follow-up. Galeazzo is absent for long time and was not able to organize the summer tournament.

This one is logically cancelled but we can try a winter tournament with your four teams. The difficulty is to find arbitrators, ideally, are needed two!

Does it tempt you?
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Souleur(se) de bonne facture

Nombre de messages : 132
Ville des RR : Ingolstadt (Herzogtum Bayern)
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2008

Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461   Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461 EmptyDim 29 Sep 2013 - 13:15

No problem.

I can make a referee for the winter tournament for the other games when I do not play.

Greetings from Rheingold
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Tournois d'été / Summer Tournament 1461
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