La Soule Royale
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Que vous ayez déjà une équipe ou que vous n'en n'ayez pas encore, peu d'importance pour le moment. Vous pourrez, quelque soit votre situation, jouer à la Soule et sans modération ! (C'est pas la classe ça ? International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Icon_cool)

Il est facile de jouer à la Soule, si vous prenez le temps de bien lire et comprendre ses règles et les schémas explicatifs. Après quoi, vous pourrez devenir un héros dans votre ville, votre duché et même dans votre Royaume. Sans compter que la boisson les tonneaux de boisson sont offerts par la maison à tous les participants d'un match et que nous vous offrons aussi un local réservé à votre équipe dit « vestiaire » où vous pourrez discuter en toute confidentialité de la tactique à adopter lors de vos matchs. (Avouez que la Soule ça tue ! International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Icon_smile)

Et comme si ce n'était pas assez, un bureau d'accueil des nouveaux est à votre entière disposition pour y poser toutes vos questions.

Alors ? Qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour vous inscrire dès maintenant ? On vous attend !

Vous avez pensé à inscrire votre équipe à la 8e CSR ? Qu'attendez-vous ? Incrivez-vous !

Le Deal du moment :
Jeux, jouets et Lego : le deuxième à ...
Voir le deal


 International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final?

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Mc Legrand
Excellent(e) souleur(se)
Mc Legrand

Nombre de messages : 1134
Age : 33
Ville des RR : Patay
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2006

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Empty
MessageSujet: International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final?   International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? EmptyJeu 24 Juil 2008 - 11:40

Demi-finale Keswick-Pavie

Mc Legrand a écrit:
Well, I couldn't sleep well after the noise the lights have made yesterday... so now that everybody knows each other, we can begin... players are displaying on the field...

Cheesebolts of Keswick
Charlotte1 Embarassed
Anarya Embarassed
Aristide (captain)

San Siro Pavia
Cervaz (captain)

1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1

1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 0807140714204051943

Mc Legrand a écrit:
As the Cheesebolts rushed toward the Pavie's goal, Pavia preferred not to move too much, and , apart from 2 players, didn't move forward...

Let's take a look at the soule : Anarya took the soule, and pushed it. That's all.

For the rest, no strikes, only movements. I'm sorry. But there can be suspense for the next move...

0 + + + + + - - + + 0

0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 -

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T1kespaviexn8

I'd like to have the next moves before 10:00 UTC (time on this forum),
but to be realistic, i want them before 6:00 tomorrow.
If i have it today, i'll post today.

Mc Legrand a écrit:
Mc thought : Maybe the Italian like to eat some cheese Razz

- 3 3 3 + 3 + + 3 3 3 Shocked

0 0 0 + + + 0 + 0 0 +

Who is Pavia 3rd?
mmh... Kappa.
or Gutschoven curve.
or tenth letter of the greek alphabet (International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 100px-Kappa_uc_lc.svg)

Mmh. Poor Kappa.
completely ko.
Anarya, Fushugro, Syrrah and Illynya stroke him, and Braxton, Nedefaron, and Aristide laughed at him, unmoving, on the ground, bloody ... I love it.

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Smiley_violent_476

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Smiley_violent_173

What ? the soule? i almost forgot...So...
Elrindin passed to Dissoluta, intercepted by Erestin . The soule is in the center of the field.

Mmh? what did i forget? Ow, yes, please, could someone call a doctor? Mr Kappa is not well.

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T2kespaviept9

Next move when you have time.

Mc Legrand a écrit:

- - - 6 6 1 + 6 6 + +

- 0 + + + + + + + + 6

I call Pavia 6th. too late.
It was... Dissoluta. completely dissolved.

Well... what happens here is very interesting : Elrindin take the soule, pass to Dissoluta, who is hit by Syrrah and Hess , and Dissoluta manages to put the soule in the second line of Keswick. But now, Erestin and Braxton , angry, hit him and put him KO (please someone, call the pavie medical team, it is not well like that, red on the grass, please clean it...)Well now Elrindin must feel a bit alone...

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T3kespaviesc4

Mc Legrand a écrit:
0 - 0 - 2 2 + + + 2 2

0 0 0 0 - 0 + + + + +

Nobody stroke the soule.
Nobody stroke nobody. A lot of people moved. Nothing happened.
The field must look like a bit like this now :
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T4kespavienn5

Mc Legrand a écrit:
+ + + 0 - - 0 0 0 + +

- - 0 - - 0 - 3 + + +

Well... the situation is now mainly in favour of Keswick... even if Pavia tempted to strike Fushugro , it was a bit late... The strikes of Keswick had done their job. 11 vs 9 was a great advantage for Keswick...

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T5kespaviepc2

Mc Legrand a écrit:
Well... is there a need to say that Keswick win ?

0 0 0 + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + +

While Murphy_n , RobertPlant and Krumhanis tempted desperately to bring that soule far away from their goal, Aristide laughed... becauseSyrrah and Hess countered them and Illynya , NikCastellan , Nedefaron PASSED, and Nedefaron RAN ,
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 15

Keswick Win this difficult match.

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T6kespavie01ei4
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T6kespavieia4

The final will be in tis stadium, starting tomorrow, with Conflans-lès-Sens and Keswick, and the third place match will be in the Isel's Stadium with StClaude and Pavia. Good luck to all teams, and i hope we will hear more the french and italian players...

1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1
0 + + + + + - - + + 0
- 3 3 3 + 3 + + 3 3 3
- - - 6 6 1 + 6 6 + +
0 - 0 - 2 2 + + + 2 2
+ + + 0 - - 0 0 0 + +
0 0 0 + + + + + + + +

1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1
0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 -
0 0 0 + + + 0 + 0 0 +
- 0 + + + + + + + + 6
0 0 0 0 - 0 + + + + +
- - 0 - - 0 - 3 + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +

Demi-finale Conflans-StClaude
Etotsira a écrit:
Ladies and gentlemen,

After the first semi final launched by my colleague Mc legrand on the wittek stadium, I please you to welcome in these places, the magnificent Lord Isel stadium, 2 greats teams who have marked the history of Soule.
To my left please give a standing ovation at the majestic team Conflans-les-sens france champions and ranking first in international SELO, and Beer Drinkers of course, led by the incomparable Seb_goku :

Citation :
1 scomino
2 cedmisc
3 Belphegore
4 Sonia
5 Anthoyne
6 Varak
7 Azelma
8 Francis_de_joachim
9 Ghost60
10 Cedric32
11 Seb_Goku (captain)International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 840-28

Remplaçants :
- Cannella
- Tarikovicc

To my right, still on the road from the"france comté", will appear before your gaping eyes the holy empire champions, led by renowned amania, the saint claude rabid beaver :

Citation :
1 Shenkj
2 Jontas
3 Acis
4 Steyer
5 Amania (captain)International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 668-26
6 Bendith
7 Fabulous
8 Lluna
9 Nikos
10 Fccasper
11 Decnop

Remplaçants :
- Veres
- Snaky
- Norules

As the two teams enter into the empty stadium, the taproom is declared open !!!

The draw gave the commitment to Saint claude

souleurs enter into the stadium the stadium :

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Capture2cc5

The two teams are developping an attack strategie with the most of players on the front line.

Saint claude, who start the match placed into a classical position well knew by usual souleurs !

it seems we will have a very interesting match !!

I'm impatient to see that !!

captains your orders for tomorrow 22h30 !

Turn 1 :

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Confstclaut1wn6

The two teams continue their attacks, conflans take some risks to challenge saint claude, while saint claude continue the famous very efficient tactics .

Captains, your orders for tomorrow 21h ! (or sooner if you can, we can make up for lost time)

Turn 2

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Confstclaut2dy5

After a position game, the match really start on this round !
Conflans loose his first player, indeed Acis, Amania, Bendith, and Lluna get the conflans captain Seb_Goku KO and whereas he was asking some help liing down on the ground, Nikos come to finish him. 4 was not enough for the tough captain ! he doesn't win the cup on a stroke of luck !!!
during this fight saint claude place his players to attack on the next ground putting the soule on the middle line.

On the same time, the beer drinkers of conflans distribute blows everywhere :
cedmisc and Belphegore fall on Steyer before he can move, and Varak catch the pass and blow him after he just move !
Sonia jump on Amania who escape of a fight prepared by Ghost60 and Cedric32.
And just for fun Francis_de_joachim kick the back of Bendith and escape fastly !

the soule is now on the center, Saint claude has his souleurs a bit banged up, so will they be in an enough good condition to score before the beer drinkers finish them ???

Apres un jeu de positionnement, le match commence réellement sur ce tour !
Conflans perd son premier joueur, Acis, Amania, Bendith, and Lluna mettent le capitaine Seb_Goku KO et tandis qu'il git sur le sol appelant les secours Nikos vient l'achever. 4 n'etaient pas assez pour le resistant capitaine des buveurs de bière ! ah ca !! il a pas gagné la coupe royale sur un coup de chance !!
pendant ce combat saint claude place ses joueurs pour l'attack du tour suivant poussant en même temps la soule au millieu.

Pendant ce temps les buveurs de bière de conflans distribuent des coups dans tous les sens cedmisc et Belphegore tombent sur Steyer juste avant qu'il ait le temps de bouger, et Varak l'attrape dans un coin juste après qu'il ait avancé !
Sonia saute Amania qui échappe à un combat en préparation de Ghost60 and Cedric32.
Puis juste pour s'amuser Francis_de_joachim met un coup de pied au derrière de Bendith et s'echappe rapidement !

la soule est maintenant au centre, Saint claude a ses souleurs plutot amochés, vont-ils être en assez bonne condition pour marquer avant que les beer drinkers finissent de les butter ???

Bilan KO :
Conflans :
Seb_Goku --> KO

Saint Claude :
Steyer --> 1PP
Amania --> 3PP
Bendith --> 3PP

Turn 3

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Confst10

What an unpredictable match !!!

saint claud
back away Shenkj to prepare a blitz because they know that conflans could clear the soule in case of attack.

conflans take this opportunity to finish Steyer AND Bendith.

the soule is now in the saint claude lines...

what will they do ????

Tour 4 :
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Confstclaut4lk7

Tour 5 :

I let you choose the version for the end of the match :

saint claude try to kill Belphegore before he score
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Confstclaut5bly7
nobody can stop him to give the victory to conflans !!!

to evil the defeat, Francis_de_joachim must die !! Twisted Evil
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Confstclaut5jt6
and he die but conflans wins !!!!!

congratulation to conflans who qualified for the final of this cup !!

Sorry for this end totally botched
HRP holyday preparations...

see you soon !
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Mc Legrand
Excellent(e) souleur(se)
Mc Legrand

Nombre de messages : 1134
Age : 33
Ville des RR : Patay
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2006

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final?   International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? EmptyMar 29 Juil 2008 - 22:21


Welcome everybody, welcome to see this final to the International Cup...

Who, between these two teams, who will win the cup ? that's the question, ladies and gentlemen, that everybody is asking me now. i chosed the winner already, but i won't tell you. i want my money safe.

In between , i would like you to applause the two teams, first, the first team in history, the BBC !


01 - scomino
02 - cedmisc
03 - Tarikovicc
04 - Sonia
05 - Anthoyne
06 - Varak
07 - Azelma
08 - Francis_de_joachim
09 - Ghost60
10 - Cedric32
11 - Seb_Goku(capitaine)

Remplaçants :
- Cannella
- Belphegore

And now, please applause the...
Cheesebolts of Keswick !

Aristide (captain)

Keswick will begin this match.
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1

1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1

Two tactics after all very similar... don't you think so ?
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T0kesconflansmp0

Bienvenue à toutes et à tous pour cette finale qui opposera Keswick à Conflans... Reste à savoir qui gagnera cette coupe...j'ai déjà choisi, mais vous saurez pas...En attendant, je vous demanderais d'applaudir l'équipe de Keswick: les Cheesebolts ! [...] Puis l'équipe de Conflans : la BBC ![...]

Deux lpacements assez similaires somme toute...

Round 1

The two teams are preparing themselves for the match. they replace the players on the field, placing quite a lot of people in the center line...

Only scomino manages to take the soule...placing it in favour of Conflans...

0 + + + + + 0 - 0 0 +

+ + + + + 0 - - + 0 +

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T1kesconfbm7

Les deux équipes se pré placent, se replacent,bougent sur le terrain...mais on remarque quand même que beaucoup de joueurs se tassent au centre... (on se demande pourquoi, d'ailleurs...)
Scomino seul arrive à toucher la soule...

Round 2

Mc was backon the field and yawned. Then not. Then he was amazed by what happened on the field. Nothing in common with the first round. It was very interesting...I will shorten it for you.

- - 11 11 11 11 - + 0 2 2

- 11 + + 4 + + + 4 + +

As Keswick concentrated on striking and going back, the Conflans team thought of the soule, at their reach ... Better tactic, even if unfortunately for Seb_Goku, their boss, won't see the success of his team... we hope he will be okay for the giving of the cup...

Fushugro, Syrrah, Hess, and Illynya stroke M. Seb_Goku hardly and he moved no more, just pointing the soule to his players... Tarikovicc understood, but Erestin, seing what happened, send back the soule....

Well... it seems a bad day for Keswick...

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 080728054715464662

Round 3

Well... I said last time it was a bad day for Keswick... but looking from further, they resisted three rounds against the best players of soule in the world, and they even managed to knock out Seb_Goku the Great ...
so this isn't That Bad ...
You know, they lost.
I said it.
Don't kill me, Keswick supporters.
Not my fault.
Not entirely.
I can do nothing for this.

As Charlotte1 tried to move that soule away, scomino passed to cedmisc who passed to Tarikovicc, but Tarikovicc was too busy in striking Nedefaron to score, so Sonia took the soule and did it.

Meanwhile, Anarya stroke Tarikovicc by behind, and Fushugro and Syrrah stroke Varak who was looking at Sonia.


+ 3 6 6 6 6 + 3 3 4 9

+ + 10 + + + + + + + X

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Finkesconflw9

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? T3kesconfxa6

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
0 + + + + + 0 - 0 0 +
- - 11 11 11 11 - + 0 2 2
+ 3 6 6 6 6 + 3 3 4 9

1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1
+ + + + + 0 - - + 0 +
- 11 + + 4 + + + 4 + +
+ + 10 + + + + + + + X
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Mc Legrand
Excellent(e) souleur(se)
Mc Legrand

Nombre de messages : 1134
Age : 33
Ville des RR : Patay
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2006

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final?   International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? EmptyMar 29 Juil 2008 - 22:24

Cérémonie d'ouverture :

Mc Legrand a écrit:
Welcome everybody to this first edition of the International Cup,
in fact, The first competition of soule in several languages...

We can welcome the champions of the French Kingdom, the winners of the third Royal Cup of soule where 80 teams were,
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Coupebw1, :

Les Buveurs de Bières de Conflans (BBC) :
(The Beer Drinkers of Conflans)

Citation :
Seb_Goku (captain)International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 840-28

Remplaçants :
- Cannella
- Tarikovicc

And the Champions of the Holy Empire :
Les castors enragés du jura de Saint Claude
(the saint claude rabid beaver)
Citation :
Amania (captain)International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 668-26

Remplaçants :
- Veres
- Snaky
- Norules

And the first team of Italia :
San Siro Pavia

Citation :
Cervaz (captain)International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 470592008483dd32b71165

And to not forget : The first English team :

starring :
Citation :
Aristide (captain)International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Articlerimbaudsd4

Two fields will be used :
THE KESWICK FIELD, near the town
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Terrai11

THE LORD ISEL's FIELD, near Isel's home...
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Terrai11

Three referees will be there for the matches :
Myself, Mclegrand,
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 2157-62

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 1353-66

And Islei
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 3749-58


I'd like everybody whose name is above, and more, to be present here and on the matches...(hrp : no matter if you post an horrible google translation cause you don't speak english at all, i'd like to have the more people)

FOUR MATCHES in this Cup :

Keswick - Pavie on the stadium of Keswick (Referee Mclegrand)
Conflans - Sainte Claude on the Isel stadium of Keswick (referee Etotsira)
The Final between the two winners (referee Myself)
The Third place final between the other teams (Referee Islei)

History of the soule tomorrow... (edit : today, but later. when i've time.sorry.)
Presentation of the Cup on Saturday
Fireworks on Sunday evening...
Matchs will begin on Monday.
The bar is open from now, here.

[FRENCH] Pour l'instant, vu la difficulté de ce que j'ai écrit, je pense que nous pouvons nous passer de traduction. Un mot cependant, n'hésitez pas à poster, même dans un anglais affreux googlelesque , l'important étant de s'amuser et d'avoir du monde... l'idéal serait d'entamer des discutions entre joueurs de différentes équipes (pas uniquement StClaude-Conflans, vous m'aurez compris ^^)le bar est ouvert, amusez-vous bien...[/FRENCH]

Precision : everything is open to All animals, even racoons, as long as they don't go in the middle of a field during a match . Don't feed the animals.

HRP : don't mix up RP and HRP

Mc Legrand a écrit:
The Old Man came and I said him

Old Man, draw me a sheep...

err... no, i didn't tell him that... this was not me, i'm quite sure of it...It must have been rather ...

Old man, please, tell me a story...

And the Old man sat under the Oak tree, and he told me a story.
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Medium_merlin
Today, I'll tell you the story of Soule, as far as I remember...

Once upon a time, as a queen sits sewing at her window, she pricks her finger on her needle and a drop of blood falls on the snow that had fallen on her ebony window frame. As she looks at the blood on the snow, she says to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony".
errr... nonononono... I'm mistaken again... that's not that story...

In 1453, M. Arthur33, in Peronne, thought of the idea in the halle, with 3 other peoples. They went to their cities, in Normandy (Fécamp & Honfleur) to find 10 more players...and on the 10 March of 1453, the first match of Soule normande began. It was a great event. More and more, the soule spread. It became, from the "normande soule", the "royal soule", but everybody now refer at it saying the "soule", simply.

Now the rules are well established, and there are 139 teams...which have played more than 750 matches !
Unfortunately (sigh), the soule has never managed to go well abroad from France. Few teams were created, and many of them gave up...
The major event of the soule is the Royal Cup. There were 3 Cups :
The first took place a long time ago, and i just remember that Chateauroux won it... The second was won by Polignac...and the third by Conflans...
The fourth will begin on next September, so if you want take part in it, don't wait too much to create a team...

In another world, that some people refer by saying "real world",( which is absurd,the real world is our world) the soule really existed the goal was to put a ball by all means in a place defined before the match, and the field could be everything ! (ex : goal : a fireplace in a city, by the top of the roofs !).
It is likely that the haspartum roman is the ancestor of the soule, ancestor of the rugby.
Usually, the game finished because there was only one player capable of moving.
It was also usual that the public helped the players.
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Choule11gravure

If you want to see a match of soule as played in the RK, you can wait some days to see all the matchs we will play in Keswick, or look for a match in the French forum, or look to the Archives(french)
The principal place of the soule is here :
(in french, but you can ask for help in english, and some people will help you)
Why would we play soule ?
That's a good question. you can play soule a)for fun, or b)for fun, or just c)for fun.
Just enjoy.
Howto play soule ?
First, find 11 players froom your town. Then ask for help at the place named above. But in short,
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Arbitremx2(cause weapons are not allowed, except if specified before)

Good evening.

[FRENCH] La flemme de tout traduire.^^
Je rappele que les règles de ce forum supposent d'apposer une traduction ANGLAISE de votre message, même si vous le prononcez en français.

Citation :
Tomorrow : Presentation of the Cup
Sunday : Fireworks.
Monday : beginning of the matches.

I expected more people here...I'm a bit disappointed... but this is a start...

Mc Legrand a écrit:
The man i waited for arrived this morning, by boat. He has been delayed by the bad weather in the Channel, and by the people who were at the borders... He was in a hurry, since someone waited for him in Bulgaria, so he gave me the box with the cup... I looked at it... the announcement was true, it was really beautiful. I thought of the happiness of the winner... but also of the sadness of the three other teams... so I came to the artisans of Keswick, gave them some beers (quite a lot) , a little fake money, and the next day, I shouted

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the International Cup will win this cup :

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Cupll5

And the three other teams will win differents boxes :
The second team will, thanks to the blacksmith, win a sword in order to revenge from the first team

The third team will win a boat, thanks to the carpenters, to go home quickly to train better

The worst team will win a ... a piece of bread, offered by the bakers

Mc Legrand a écrit:
I heard someone in the future, while i was dreaming. He told me
HEY GUY ! Big mistake ! You Totally stupid ! fireworks did NOT exist in the time of the International cup !
I'll NOT listen to YOU any more, you do NOT master the subject !

In the dream, i took the guy, i tortured him and I killed him.
I do what I want.

When i woke up, i said myself

Aren't they? no fireworks? really? *They existed in this time. In China. What is harder to find is a chinese man in the UK of that time. But we imagine.
So i looked for further information, and i found THE MAN WHO KNEW.

You will never guess what : he's Yellow, without painting himself.
Some people treat him as a devil *[HRP : i precise that i am not racist, but i guess what would be the reaction of my Mclegrand character, living in 1456] but he can do marvellous things with a sort of dark powder.

He told me that he could do fireworks, which are big lights in the sky, with that powder,and color it depending on what he put inside.
he told me that copper chloride at low temperature made the blue. Don't ask me what is copper chloride.

Now that we KNOW that we CAN do fireworks, let's go.


It's dark now, it's late, though, many people are near the Wittek Stadium.

Some people scream. they are terrified. It was something like a flash of lightning, but not the usual noise of the lightning...
I point out the sky above the soule stadium

International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Artifice_002v
Fireworks are WonderBANGful,
et caetera...
let's see the show.
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Artifice_003v
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Artifice_004v
BANG(a baby cries)
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Bratislava_New_Year_Fireworks
BANGwaaaaaaaaooow*I'm sorry this pic is really huge
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Bebbuxu
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? 800px-Artilleryshells1
International Cup - Ouverture - les 3 matchs - le final? Fireworks_in_monterrey


(Pure Gold Silence (best quality) )



I would like to thank the person without who nothing would have been possible, M. Xin-Yang-Thin-Wu*factual person. all common points [...] with a real person would be accidental.,
from a far East country, and one of my assistants, Mr Wiki-Pédia.

Good night, it's late. Tomorrow morning, the teams here, to begin the matches... I hope you are ready...*
I already have the initial of my two teams and... i had something to put here but i 've forgotten it... sh*... i'll edit if i remind it. oh yes i remind : the noise is after the firework.

* : quote my message for HRP informations in 0-size text
[FRENCH]Ca va peut-être vous rappeler le feu d'artifice de ce soir, ceux dont la ville en organise un^^
Demain c'est le 14 Juillet...[/FRENCH]
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