La Soule Royale
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 Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule

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Galeazzo Di Lecce
6 participants
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyDim 8 Aoû 2010 - 19:01

Hi Everyone!

After talking with KleeOtr about the difference in a game of soule we have the idea of talking about the scoring system of Soule and the duration of a game (I mean when it musts have a winner).

For exemple in France for championship or group phase when there are equalities we usualy use bonus point, RP mark, round difference and KO difference to know whitch team is the best. In france we can play a game with an infinit number of round (record is 12 round) for the final phase of the Royal Soule Cup for example.

In Italy, th winner of a game is not necesseraly the team who goals, and they can have a winner even if there is no goals. They have a scoring system whitch could give this score at the end of a game : 10 - 6, then they use those score for the goalaverage system. In italy they have an extra time system and then a penalty system (but I don't know how it's work...)

So the aim of this meeting is toi explain how its work in each country and to determine a International and Official scoring system for the Soule and how to play after the 7 official rounds when we must a winner.

I Sent a MP to this personne witch represent the authority of the Soule and the differents countries
Citation :

Arthur33, King Of Soule, Member of the Soule Trinity
Cléopitre, Quenn Of Soule, Member of the Soule Trinity
Orandin, Jester Of The King, Member of the Soule Trinity

Aristid, Delegate of Soule for International
Blotus1er, Delegate of Soule for the Britany County
ManriqueBV, Refree of Soule for Hispanic Counties
Rheingold, Captain of the Germanic Team of Soule
Nicbur, Captain of the Helvetic Confederation Team of Soule
KleeOtr, Chairman of the LIS (Italic Soule League) and creator of SimSoule

But all others arewelcome to discuss of it here!^^

Firstly it would be good that each one explain how its work in its own country and when everyone will be aware of how it's work everywhere we could mix each idea to develop the Official Scoring System of Soule. The objective have the same system everywhere so it could realloy help to make international championship, and it will make the soule more professional...

Thanks everyone!
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Souleur(se) qui se débrouille

Nombre de messages : 95
Ville des RR : Como, Italie
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyDim 8 Aoû 2010 - 20:06

Citation :
In Italy, th winner of a game is not necesseraly the team who goals, and
they can have a winner even if there is no goals. They have a scoring
system whitch could give this score at the end of a game : 10 - 6
this isn't still approved maybe in next championship.

Citation :
, then
they use those score for the goalaverage system. In italy they have an
extra time system and then a penalty system (but I don't know how it's
this is what we use.

Hi all ^_^ thx for the invitation i hope that we can find a common solution so i can add it to simsoule Razz

well in italy a championship match is played in 6 turns. if at the end of turn 6 no one have realized a touchdown the match end with a tie 0 - 0 (expect if is a match of playoff).

if a team score a touchdown before the end of the turns the score will be:

touchdown at turn 3: 4 - 0
touchdown at turn 4: 3 - 0
touchdown at turn 5: 2 - 0
touchdown at turn 6: 1 - 0

no additional score or anything else will add to the score, for the championship is take in consideration only the score difference, so if a team win for 4 - 0 the first match and lose the second for 3 -0 have a score difference +1.

if there was a cup match (or a playoff match) and end in tie, will have 3 extra time turns and if still have tie, penalty shot.

if someone win (make a touchdown) in the extratime win for 1 - 0.

i don't know if u have download the last version of simsoule but there is a lot of news about score system take a look Wink
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Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque

Nombre de messages : 653
Ville des RR : Cité des saules (Montauban)
Date d'inscription : 03/10/2009

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1382
Equipe: Montauban

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 9 Aoû 2010 - 0:44

In English

Galea, you could have put the translation in French... Evil or Very Mad Mad

So if I understand correctly. In Italy, they have a limited number of turns and a different notation...
I did not understand the scoring Italian, because of the translations from Google and from Systran

Can we have a demo for better understanding ? Very Happy

En français

Galea, tu auras pu mettre la traduction en Français... Evil or Very Mad Mad

Alors si je comprends bien. En Italie, ils ont un nombre de tour limité et une notation différente...
Je n'ai pas compris la notation italienne, à cause des traductions de Google et Systran

Peut-t'on avoir une démo pour mieux comprendre ? Very Happy
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Souleur(se) qui se débrouille

Nombre de messages : 95
Ville des RR : Como, Italie
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 9 Aoû 2010 - 10:27

read my post, or try to check yourself at this site:
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Gardien des écussons
Gardien des écussons

Nombre de messages : 5301
Ville des RR : Monross-ville
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2008

Feuille du souleur

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 9 Aoû 2010 - 13:26

Je croyais que t'étais fort en anglais Orandin, 'fin meilleur qu'en allemand Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Icon_razz
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Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque

Nombre de messages : 653
Ville des RR : Cité des saules (Montauban)
Date d'inscription : 03/10/2009

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1382
Equipe: Montauban

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 9 Aoû 2010 - 15:17

@KleeOtr: Thank, I look at the site Wink

@Mon': And you too, no ? Very Happy

In English -> Edit: I have understand ! The penalty shootout are a bit fuzzy to me but I see the type of game if there is equality

En Français (Pour Mon' Razz)-> Edit: j'ai compris! Les tirs au but sont un peu flou pour moi, mais je vois le type de jeu s'il y a égalité

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Souleur(se) de bonne facture

Nombre de messages : 132
Ville des RR : Ingolstadt (Herzogtum Bayern)
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2008

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyMar 10 Aoû 2010 - 2:08

In germany we favorite the rules of the 4.Royale Soule Cup.
We do not favorite the rules of the 5.Royale Soule Cup because we have still not so many activ players to become points for role play. But it is ok that the teams with active players will become more points.
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyDim 15 Aoû 2010 - 17:29

Ok I've got some probleme too with understanding how works the penalty shot :s Can you explain us how it works KeeOtr? with screenshot maybe?

Then chy do you stop the match at 6 rounds instead of 7 like the officials rules said?
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Souleur(se) de bonne facture

Nombre de messages : 142
Ville des RR : Huesca
Date d'inscription : 20/10/2009

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyDim 15 Aoû 2010 - 19:20


Hello, The Hispanic Rules's representant is Nospeb, but now he'is in holidays.
Our aportation is similar to the Germanic people. I think that we use one very similar to the Coupe Royale.
The participation in RP have a special prize, but outside the game, but the participation in general in the Soule is low.

Citation :

Victory: 4 pts

Loss: 0 pts

Tie (7 tours): 2


Victoria into three: 1

Defeat at 6: 1 pt

Each 3Ko in one game: 1

Playoff to
determine a champion priority:

.- Results of games between the tied (the winning run with an

2 .-
Difference KO: KO favor - Ko against

3 .- Highest Number of Ko done

4 .- Lower KO

5 .- Matches playoffs if
they have all the same

Hola, El representante oficial de reglas hispánicas es Nospeb, pero actualment está de vacaciones.
Nuestra aportación es similar a los Germánicos. Yo pienso que nosotros utilizamos un sistema similar a la Coupe Royale.
No obstante la participación RP tiene una mención especial con premio, pero fuera del partido, ya que la participación en general del Soule Hispánico es baja.

Citation :

Victoria: 4 ptos

Derrota: 0 ptos

Empate (7 turnos): 2 ptos


Victoria en tres: 1 pto

Derrota en 6: 1 pto

Cada 3Ko en un solo partido: 1 pt

Desempate para determinar un campeon prioridad:

1.- Resultados de partidos entre empatados (el ganador corre con ventaja)

2.- Diferencia de KO: KO a favor - Ko en contra

3.- Mayor Nº de Ko a favor

4.- Menor NºKO en contra

5.- Partidos desempates si tienen todo igual
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyDim 22 Aoû 2010 - 19:37

Ok I tried several times the penalty shot and if I well understood :

- each team send a tactics for the attack ans 11 others for the goal keeper
- the tactics can contain this logo +, 0 or -
- then Simsoule compare the attack of one team to the goal keeper of the other
- for each 11 players, if the logos are the same : no goal for the attack ; if the logos are different : one point for the attack
- there are 5 penalty, after what if a team got more point, they win, else the penalty shot continue until one team take the lead, the first whitch take the lead win the game

is that correct KleeOtr?
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Souleur(se) qui se débrouille

Nombre de messages : 95
Ville des RR : Como, Italie
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 23 Aoû 2010 - 11:06

Galeazzo Di Lecce a écrit:
is that correct KleeOtr?
correct at 100%, sorry for the delay but i was in vacation :p
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 23 Aoû 2010 - 11:25

No problem^^

I have an other question for you : why do you stop a game at 6 round before starting extra Time instead of 7 as it written in the officials rules of soule?
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Souleur(se) qui se débrouille

Nombre de messages : 95
Ville des RR : Como, Italie
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 23 Aoû 2010 - 15:01

Galeazzo Di Lecce a écrit:
No problem^^

I have an other question for you : why do you stop a game at 6 round before starting extra Time instead of 7 as it written in the officials rules of soule?
i'm italian :p i have used the italian rules :p however, isn't a big problem change round number, but i made this modification in the future
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyLun 23 Aoû 2010 - 15:36

Ok then i understand everything... I am gonna work on this a little and then i Come back to expose my idea for a Common rule to everybody for minimum Turn and extra Time and also a score system whitch could be agreed by every county^^
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyMer 8 Déc 2010 - 23:59

Ok everyone, I'm a little bit late but this my proposition for commun rules of soule

Minimum round to goal : 7, as the historics rules (for championship game) If no goal it's a tie.
If we need a winner (for cups games) extra time could go to 10 rounds.
After 10 rounds, if no winner they should do penalty shot as italian rules established.
Citation :
- each team send a tactics for the attack ans 11 others for the goal keeper
- the tactics can contain this logo +, 0 or -
- then Simsoule compare the attack of one team to the goal keeper of the other
- for each 11 players, if the logos are the same : no goal for the attack ; if the logos are different : one point for the attack
- there are 5 penalty, after what if a team got more point, they win, else the penalty shot continue until one team take the lead, the first whitch take the lead win the game

That's for the commun rules and now for commun score system

Win = 3 points
Tie = 1 point
Lose = 0 point

The winner is always the team who goals

For goal average :
Exit bonus point (for winning in 3 round or losing in 6 or 7 rounds or 3 KO)
But to split equalities in championship we could use the game points as italian rules established
- 1 KO = 3 points
- 1 touch = 1 point
- 1 goal = 5 points
- bonus point for goal at ...
round 3 = 4 points
round 4 = 3 points
round 5 = 2 points
round 6 = 1 point
round 7 and over = 0 point

at the end of the game the score will be like X - Y. the difference of all game of the championship will allow us to split the equalities.

Exemple with 3 teams

A win versus B and score game is 20 - 16
B win versus C and score game is 20 - 25
C win versus A and score game is 14 - 4

so the classify is

A 3 points diff = -6
B 3 points diff = - 9
C 3 points diff = +15
So C is first then A and B.

the score game is count the same way in tie case.


Salu tout le monde je suis un peu en retard mais voici ma proposition pour des regles de soule commune.

Nombre de tour minimum pour marquer : 7, comme dans les regles historiques (pour les match de championnat ne necessitant pas de gagnant obligatoirement) s'il n'y a pas de but, c'est un match nul
S'il faut un gagnant (Match de coupe par exemple) On joue les prolongation jusqu'à la fin du tour 10.
Après 10 tours, s'il n'y a pas de vainqueur, il faut passer au pénalty, comme établie dans les règles italiennes.
Citation :
- Chaque équipe envoie sa tactique pour les tirs au but et 11 autres sigles pour les arrêts
- les deux tactiques peuvent contenir les sigles +, 0 ou -
- Ensuite Simsoule compare la tactique "tir" d'une équipe avec la tactique arret de l'adversaire
- Pour chacun des 11 joueurs, si les sigles sont les memes : pas de but; s'ils sont differents : but pour les tireur (les tirs et arret son joués simultanément par simsoule pour els deux équipes, en temps normal en 1 post les tirs aux buts sont terminés sauf égalité^^)
- On prend en compte les 5 premier pénalty apres quoi l'équipe qui a le plus marqué l'emporte si il y a égalité on continue jusqu'a ce qu'une équipe passe en tete (apres les 5 premiers pénalty on compare les score a chaque pénalty des deux équipes).

Voila pour les regles communes, passons aux systeme de score commun

victoire = 3 points
nul = 1 point
défaite = 0 point

le gagnant est toujours l'équipe qui marque!

Pour le goal-average :
Exit les points bonus (victoire en 3 tours, defaite en plus de 5 tours, 3 KO ou plus dans un match)

Mais pour départager les égalités on peut utilisé le systeme de point de match établie par les regles italiennes
- 1 KO = 3 points
- 1 touche de balle = 1 point
- 1 but = 5 points
- point bonus pour but marqué au ...
Tour 3 = 4 points
Tour 4 = 3 points
Tour 5 = 2 points
Tour 6 = 1 point
Tour 7 and over = 0 point

A la fin du match le score sera du style X - Y. la difference sur tout les matchs du championnat permettra de départager les égalités.

Exemple avec 3 équipes
A gagne contre B et le score de match est 20 - 16
B gagne contre C et le score de match est 20 - 25
C gagne contre A et le score de match est 14 - 4

donc le classement est

A 3 points diff = -6
B 3 points diff = - 9
C 3 points diff = +15

Donc le premier est C suivit de A et B
Le score de match est pris en compte de la meme facon dans le cas d'un match nul
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Souleur(se) qui se débrouille

Nombre de messages : 95
Ville des RR : Como, Italie
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyMar 14 Déc 2010 - 22:51

perfect for me (the appl already do this Razz) only a little modification:

for this example:
Citation :
B win versus C and score game is 20 - 25
i suggest that who win automatically have the minimum score difference for him so
if the match ended with that score should be trasformed into 26 -25 (the appl do all)
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Gardien des écussons
Gardien des écussons

Nombre de messages : 5301
Ville des RR : Monross-ville
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2008

Feuille du souleur

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyMer 15 Déc 2010 - 0:10

We can too use these scors to decide 2 teams :

If A, B and C have 1 vitory, the team who has the better difference !

Here, C win because they have +15, the second is A with -6 and B with -9 !

But if A has won 2 matchs and B and C 1 match, A win and we don't use the score to decide A and B opf course ! But to decide B and C yes Wink

I suggested it
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyMer 15 Déc 2010 - 1:03

Oki KleeOtr I agree^^

would it be possible to count the point marked by each palyer? May be simsoule could publish a report with all this detail a the end of the game?

Thanks monros for your suggestion it's exactly what I've wrote^^ the problem in your exemple is that if a team win 2 games the two other can win one each...

KleeOtr would it be possible too add new point? I was thinking abou giving 2 points for if the last two touch of the soule from the winning team if this two last touch were done by 2 differents players. In other word, giving 2 points for the player who do the last pass beafore the goal.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Gardien des écussons
Gardien des écussons

Nombre de messages : 5301
Ville des RR : Monross-ville
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2008

Feuille du souleur

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyMer 15 Déc 2010 - 16:11

We don't care, it was an exemple Galea, not reality Laughing
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Souleur(se) qui se débrouille

Nombre de messages : 95
Ville des RR : Como, Italie
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyJeu 16 Déc 2010 - 14:23

Galeazzo Di Lecce (Mar 14 Dic - 23:03) a écrit:
would it be possible to count the point marked by each palyer? May be simsoule could publish a report with all this detail a the end of the game?
i can do that without problem ^^

Citation :
KleeOtr would it be possible too add new point?
no problem.

Citation :
I was thinking abou giving 2 points for if the last two touch of the soule from the winning team if this two last touch were done by 2 differents players. In other word, giving 2 points for the player who do the last pass beafore the goal.

so the player who score make 2 (touch) +5 (goal) point for his team? right?
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyJeu 16 Déc 2010 - 17:45

Not exactly
for the last two touches there 2 cases (with team A and team Cool
- player A1 touchs the ball twice : 5 points (+ bonus point for the team relative to the round he scores)
- player A1 touchs first and then A2 puts it in the goal : 2 point for A1 (for the pass) and 5 for A2 for the goal (+ bonus point for the team)
I put the bonus point for the team because the round the player scores depends on all the work of the team in my opinion... But we could discuss of of it^^

I have other idea about players score
- attack point : when the player touchs the ball and the ball is not in his side of the ground before he touched it(from line 0 to line 2 of the opponent) / 1 point each time it happens
- defense point : when the player touchs the ball and the ball is in his side of the ground before he touched it (line 1 and 2 of his side) /1 point each time it happens
The sum of attack and defense points give the "touch" point for each player
- kick point : when the player kick an other one and touch is aim / 1 point each time it happens
- KO point : when the player is KO (received 4 kicks) / 1 point if he is KO but we could put in parentethis the number of kick received
- pass point : as I explained it above, 2 point to the player who touches the ball just before the last touch if he is not the goaler
- goal point : 5 point for the goaler in any case

At the end of the game we could add each point for each player and the one who got the beat mark is named player of the game.
At the end of a championship we could name the best attack player, defense player, the best kicker, the more kicked player, the passing player and the best goaler. Then we could imagine the best team of the championship by selecting the best player at each position

For the team point I think we could keep the initial score system (1 point by touch, 3 points by opponent ko, 5 point for goal + bonus point) and eventually addition the 2 point of the pass (if there is one)

I don't know with what language you're coding but it don't seems to me really difficult to realise it on one game...
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Souleur(se) qui se débrouille

Nombre de messages : 95
Ville des RR : Como, Italie
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2007

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptySam 18 Déc 2010 - 20:05

Galeazzo Di Lecce a écrit:
Not exactly
for the last two touches there 2 cases (with team A and team Cool
- player A1 touchs the ball twice : 5 points (+ bonus point for the team relative to the round he scores)
- player A1 touchs first and then A2 puts it in the goal : 2 point for A1 (for the pass) and 5 for A2 for the goal (+ bonus point for the team)
I put the bonus point for the team because the round the player scores depends on all the work of the team in my opinion... But we could discuss of of it^^

yep is better to discuss on in it maybe with msn Wink

Citation :
I have other idea about players score
- attack point : when the player touchs the ball and the ball is not in his side of the ground before he touched it(from line 0 to line 2 of the opponent) / 1 point each time it happens
- defense point : when the player touchs the ball and the ball is in his side of the ground before he touched it (line 1 and 2 of his side) /1 point each time it happens
The sum of attack and defense points give the "touch" point for each player
- kick point : when the player kick an other one and touch is aim / 1 point each time it happens
- KO point : when the player is KO (received 4 kicks) / 1 point if he is KO but we could put in parentethis the number of kick received
- pass point : as I explained it above, 2 point to the player who touches the ball just before the last touch if he is not the goaler
- goal point : 5 point for the goaler in any case
i think that this new point should be add after a season using the first innovation, because some time too much thing all togher make only a big caos.

Citation :
For the team point I think we could keep the initial score system (1 point by touch, 3 points by opponent ko, 5 point for goal + bonus point) and eventually addition the 2 point of the pass (if there is one)

Citation :
I don't know with what language you're coding but it don't seems to me really difficult to realise it on one game...
is vb6 however, is my work create appl isn't so difficult, is more difficult for me understand what u really want ehehehe i still have trouble to understand the 2 point pass Razz
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptySam 18 Déc 2010 - 20:27


For the player point, I just use it for 2 years now but manualy it is really hard to do on all a championship over all on the Cup of the Royal Soule!!

My MSN adress:

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Souleur(se) de bonne facture

Nombre de messages : 132
Ville des RR : Ingolstadt (Herzogtum Bayern)
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2008

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyDim 19 Déc 2010 - 1:28

The germans agree with this rules from Galeazzo:

That's for the commun rules and now for commun score system

Win = 3 points
Tie = 1 point
Lose = 0 point

The winner is always the team who goals

For goal average :
Exit bonus point (for winning in 3 round or losing in 6 or 7 rounds or 3 KO)
But to split equalities in championship we could use the game points as italian rules established
- 1 KO = 3 points
- 1 touch = 1 point
- 1 goal = 5 points
- bonus point for goal at ...
round 3 = 4 points
round 4 = 3 points
round 5 = 2 points
round 6 = 1 point
round 7 and over = 0 point

at the end of the game the score will be like X - Y. the difference of all game of the championship will allow us to split the equalities.


- player A1 touchs first and then A2 puts it in the goal : 2 point for A1 (for the pass) and 5 for A2 for the goal (+ bonus point for the team)

I do not agree with it, because the team who wins gets automaticly 2+5=7points.
What you can do to work for the 2 Bonuspoints for the pass is:
After the player who pass must the next player of his team make the score.
Number A1 make the pass, number A2 makes the goal (2 Bonuspoints for pass)
Number A1 make the pass, number A2 do not move the soule, number A3 makes the goal (no Bonuspoint for the pass)

the other idea about player scoring are very good (PS: 2 points for the player scoring for the pass is ok but not for the game result)
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Galeazzo Di Lecce
Membre de la Quadrature Soulesque
Galeazzo Di Lecce

Nombre de messages : 4297
Age : 36
Ville des RR : Dijon
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1674
Equipe: Les Loups de Varennes

Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule   Homogénisation de la Soule / Homogenization of Soule EmptyDim 19 Déc 2010 - 19:00

Rheingold a écrit:

- player A1 touchs first and then A2 puts it in the goal : 2 point for A1 (for the pass) and 5 for A2 for the goal (+ bonus point for the team)

I do not agree with it, because the team who wins gets automaticly 2+5=7points.

A team don't gets automaticly the 2 points for pass, sometimes it is the same player who touches the ball the twice at the end. But that's true, a team will often win 7 points, so I understand the probleme and you're proposition seems to be good to reduce the number of team who will be able to score 7 point for a goal.

Rheingold a écrit:

What you can do to work for the 2 Bonuspoints for the pass is:
After the player who pass must the next player of his team make the score.
Number A1 make the pass, number A2 makes the goal (2 Bonuspoints for pass)
Number A1 make the pass, number A2 do not move the soule, number A3 makes the goal (no Bonuspoint for the pass)

the other idea about player scoring are very good (PS: 2 points for the player scoring for the pass is ok but not for the game result)

then I don't totally agree with you on the last point (in red).

It depends on what we decide on the bonus pass point :
- AX pass to AY (X different from Y, but Y=X+1 is NOT needed) : this will be a very often situation and it will be to easy for team to scored 7 points for a goal. So we must not count bonus pass point in team score but only for the player point.
- AX pass to AY (X different from Y, and Y=X+1 is needed to have the pass bonus point, A11 could also pass to A1) : this seems to be easy but not really. If we put the bonus pass point in the team score, the opponent will do everything to Kick Off on or the other off this player. So if we include this bonus pass point in score team it will give us new opportunities for tactics^^
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