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Que vous ayez déjà une équipe ou que vous n'en n'ayez pas encore, peu d'importance pour le moment. Vous pourrez, quelque soit votre situation, jouer à la Soule et sans modération ! (C'est pas la classe ça ? We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Icon_cool)

Il est facile de jouer à la Soule, si vous prenez le temps de bien lire et comprendre ses règles et les schémas explicatifs. Après quoi, vous pourrez devenir un héros dans votre ville, votre duché et même dans votre Royaume. Sans compter que la boisson les tonneaux de boisson sont offerts par la maison à tous les participants d'un match et que nous vous offrons aussi un local réservé à votre équipe dit « vestiaire » où vous pourrez discuter en toute confidentialité de la tactique à adopter lors de vos matchs. (Avouez que la Soule ça tue ! We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Icon_smile)

Et comme si ce n'était pas assez, un bureau d'accueil des nouveaux est à votre entière disposition pour y poser toutes vos questions.

Alors ? Qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour vous inscrire dès maintenant ? On vous attend !

Vous avez pensé à inscrire votre équipe à la 8e CSR ? Qu'attendez-vous ? Incrivez-vous !

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 We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal

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3 participants
Ana Catarina de Monforte
Souleur(se) novice
Ana Catarina de Monforte

Nombre de messages : 24
Ville des RR : Alcácer do Sal
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2011

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1507
Equipe: Arminhos d'Alcácer

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal EmptyLun 26 Sep 2011 - 16:54


The national team of Portugal is looking for a opponent (preference for another national team) to play a friendly match.
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Gardien des écussons
Gardien des écussons

Nombre de messages : 5301
Ville des RR : Monross-ville
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2008

Feuille du souleur

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal EmptyLun 26 Sep 2011 - 19:35

Hello !

Sorry (i was absent since january) but since when is there a national team in Portugal ??

Is there too local, or regional, team ?

Oh, and i'm happy to know that Portugal know too Portugal Wink
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Ana Catarina de Monforte
Souleur(se) novice
Ana Catarina de Monforte

Nombre de messages : 24
Ville des RR : Alcácer do Sal
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2011

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1507
Equipe: Arminhos d'Alcácer

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal EmptyJeu 29 Sep 2011 - 17:57

We create a national federation to regulate and organize the practice of soule in Portugal. We currently have three local teams formed (One of them will participate in CSR Very Happy), there are others in the process of forming.

The national team of Portugal is formed by people of these three local teams and others. Smile
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Souleur(se) de grand talent

Nombre de messages : 689
Ville des RR : Mauléon
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1631
Equipe: Mauléon

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal EmptyVen 30 Sep 2011 - 0:44

If you want we can play with the Béarn against you, this is not a country but a county regrouping five towns in south of French kingdom.
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Ana Catarina de Monforte
Souleur(se) novice
Ana Catarina de Monforte

Nombre de messages : 24
Ville des RR : Alcácer do Sal
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2011

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1507
Equipe: Arminhos d'Alcácer

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal EmptyMar 4 Oct 2011 - 15:54

Great, you have a preference on the date? We are still finalizing the team but we can play when you want. 2 forum, right? Very Happy
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Souleur(se) de grand talent

Nombre de messages : 689
Ville des RR : Mauléon
Date d'inscription : 03/01/2007

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1631
Equipe: Mauléon

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal EmptyMer 5 Oct 2011 - 12:42

The problem is that our teams are going to play the 7th CSR. So the Béarn can't play now. Why not between the qualifying phase and the final phase? In two months if we are fast enough...

Is it to late for you?

If you want to play now you can maybe try against Italy, they've got quiet a lot of teams but none of them subscribe for the CSR. Try maybe with Dogetto, this is their last captain!
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Ana Catarina de Monforte
Souleur(se) novice
Ana Catarina de Monforte

Nombre de messages : 24
Ville des RR : Alcácer do Sal
Date d'inscription : 07/05/2011

Feuille du souleur
SELO: 1507
Equipe: Arminhos d'Alcácer

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal EmptyMer 5 Oct 2011 - 13:54

We can wait, thank you Smile

I will talk with the italian captain ^^
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Contenu sponsorisé

We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal   We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal Empty

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We are looking for a referee and team to play with team of Portugal
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