COMPLETE RULESEn cyan des infos sur comment ils jouaient à l'époque, IRL, au Moyen-Âge.¤ I APPLICATING DOMAIN ¤These are the rules of the Soule Royale (Royal Soule)
These rules are done for matches of soule where two teams face each other, but you can imagine matchs with four teams (22v22).
Is NOT considered as a soule royale match a match which does not follow the following rules, except the rules II, VI, and XI. Modifications can occur.
Article XIV imply not taking in account some other articles.
¤ II TEAMS AND SOULE ¤Each team is made of 11(eleven) players on the field, with a captain within the 11 or not.
Le ballon est une vessie de porc ou de mouton, gonflée ou remplie de paille ou de son.¤ III FIELD AND GOAL ¤Royal Soule is played on a unidimensional field, ie you cant move left or right. The field is made of one central line, and 2 parts. Each half is made of 3 lines, the further one being the goal.
A team score a goal if the soule is in the goal line of the adversary half, at any moment of the match. If a team score, it win the match.
Le but peut-être sous la forme d'une tour, d'un arbre, d'un pont, d'un porche d'une église ou même d'un étang.¤ IV THE CAPTAIN ¤The captain must tell, before the match, the composition of his team, ie the 11 players.
It won't change during the match.
He must also tell, at each round, either the initiale or the tactic of his team. (see VIII and IX).
Le capitaine est appelé champion.¤ V REFEREE ¤There is a referee. HE will see that the match is well prepared, and the rules are followed. HE will tell all the players and supporters what is happening on the field, computing the actions of the players. HE will tell at the beginning (randomly) who will begin the match.
Il n'y a pas d'arbitre, puisque tous les coups sont permis. L'arbitre est en fait ici l'organisateur ou bien le faiseur du match.¤ VI PLAYERS ¤Each player has
4 (four) Life Points (LP). As soon as the LP of a player are down to 0, the player is KO. He won't move during all the rest of the game.
[obsolete parts of the rules destroyed]
Les joueurs meuvent la soule grâce à leurs pieds, leurs mains, ou une crosse.¤ VII GAME TIME, DURATION ¤The referee define the game time, ie the hour before which both captains have to send him the actions of the players. It's also the time when the game state will be refreshed. A round usually took 24h. A match is stoped at 7 (seven) days after the initiale.
For example, initiale on Sunday, 7th round on Sunday.On certain cases the game continue until the goal (finales,..)
¤ VIII INITIALE ¤Before the match, the captain must send to the referee by MP, mail, mail IG, MSN, ... his team's initiale. It is a sequence of 11 numbers in {1,2,3} referring to the initial position of each player in their half field. First number is position of player 1, etc.
Number 1 means the player will begin in the line near the middle line.
Number 2 means he will begin in the center of the half.
Number 3 means he will begin in the goal line.
Exemple :Argonne : 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
Lisieux : 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1
¤ IX TACTICS ¤At each round,each captain must send to the referee by MP, mail, mail IG, MSN, ... his team's tactic for the next round.
What is send is definite, unless precised.
Tactic is a sequence of 11 signs in(+,-,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) referring to the action of each player (in order).
+ means going forward.
- means going backward.
0 means not moving.
1 to 11 means trying to strike the opponent player of this number.
Exemple :Argonne : 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lisieux : 0
The captain must send the tactic/initiale before the game time, unless he can be punished by the referee. Some referees are more generous than others.
¤ X STRIKES ¤In the tactic, a player can be stroken. He will if the opponent, at the time of the strike, are in the SAME LINE. if not, nothing happens.
Exemple :Ici, les 1, 3, 5, 7, et 9 bleus frappent le 10 rouge qui se retrouve légèrement blessé. Il ne pourra plus jouer durant ce match.
[obsolete, not used I won't traduce if i could avoid it
¤ XII SOULE MOVEMENT ¤If a player is one line before the soule, AND he goes forward INTO the soule line, then the soule moves of one line forward.
Exemple :Ici, l'action du n°3 est . La flèche rouge est le sens positif des rouges(donc négatif pour les bleus).
¤ XIII A ROUND ¤[Team A begin]
Player 1 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 1 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 2 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 2 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 3 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 3 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 4 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 4 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 5 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 5 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 6 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 6 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 7 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 7 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 8 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 8 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 9 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 9 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 10 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 10 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 11 of team A perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Player 11 of team B perform his action (if not KO).
Soule is moved is neccessary.
Team B will begin next round.
¤XIV MATCHS POLYJOUES ¤In the particular case of "match polyjoués", the captain send nothing and EACH player send to the referee his move. If he does not before the time, he do "0".[/quote]
Approximate translation, if you see grammar mistakes, tell me.
Cyan parts need vocabulary i have not. I'll traduce it with a dictionnary as soon as i've time.